The plight of twins

Let me tell you a story I know of a boy named Sammy C, He was born in Kentucky in a town called bowling green, Strong and smart and quick as a lark he’d make his parents proud, He never quit and he could take a lick no-one you’d ever seen.

Well Sammy C had a problem see he’d been born with a tough decree, He’d never met his parents or any one of his family three, He was born an orphan in the birthing house of bowling green, He’d been adopted by parents that were somehow related to swine.

The velvet robe and bed of roses had never laid out for him to go, And when his parents died I tell no lie he had no time for woe, He’d left home to never return though he’d grown up long ago, Every night he’d freeze and every day he’d sneeze never had he been so low.

Yes life was bad but the story goes on as we move to a different scene, What Sammy C had never know was that he had a brother the same age as he, The parents of Tommy T were as good and loving as can be, And life for he was a pleasure cruise into the floating sea.

Tommy T had everything he wanted everything his parents could buy, Never once did he fight for life yet all he got was the beautiful sky, Sammy C and Tommy T saw the world from a different July, But you’d never guess that Tommy T was the only one to cry.

One fine summer day the 2 went out to play in lands miles apart, The sun was bright for Tommy T but not inside his heart, The smog loomed for Sammy C but it did not make him tart, A water shone for each a clone but they each saw their own part.

The world was different to Tommy T than it was to you, But the world to Sammy C also had a vastly different view, The world all of us see is in a widely different skew, But the world the way we all should see is bright and new.

So the moral of the story while strange should be clear, Because the beauty of life is there for all of us to hear, All you have to do is let go and forget all of your fears, And let the beauty flow through you every day of every year.


One night she came to me, The same night she went away. The world shook with love, The fear just disappeared. The days before and those to come, Never felt as strong. But life it goes on, And apart we go. Fear returns in the days to come, Fear of loss of those we have. But the heart speaks so fast, And it’s so hard to know what decisions to make. But I’ll remember that night because all I wish is that I could spend the rest of my nights with you.

Perfect World

In a perfect world, every man would have his girl And every girl would have hers too In a perfect world, I would never get confused And think that I’m in love with you In a perfect world, the songs we sing Would sing