Galapagos - Sea Lions and farewell...

Galapagos - Sea Lions and farewell...

It was of course bitter sweet to be leaving the Galapagos. We had an amazing trip and the Sea Lions saw fit to give us a great send-off. Today was our last full day and tomorrow would be a morning departure from the boat and early afternoon flight back to Equador. The day called for a morning hike to Punta Pitt and an afternoon trip to the beautiful white beach on Cerro Brujo. This was another Galapagos moment - with the sea lions this time.

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - Tortoise Day!

Galapagos - Tortoise Day!

Today was to be our most metropolitan day of the trip - spending the day in one of the few towns in the Galapagos - Puerto Ayora. We were to spend the day at the Charles Darwin research center learning how they are protecting/preserving the giant tortoises (primarily). Then we were to head to a coffee plantation and finally a protected tortoise feeding area to take pictures of tortoises. Lots of tortoises today!

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - Fur seals and more Rays

Galapagos - Fur seals and more Rays

We woke early this morning and headed out pre-breakfast for a photo expedition. It was a lovely morning except for the mosquitoes (which were an unfortunate trend all day). We saw lots of tracks from turtles coming ashore overnight to lay eggs. Amazingly, some of the tracks came ashore and did a loop without laying eggs, presumably to come back in later to find a better place. The tracks carpeted the beach, all from the night before - there must have been thousands of eggs under the sand…

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - what's up with all these Orcas?!?

Galapagos - what's up with all these Orcas?!?

What a day today was. As you can see, an orca came to say hi to our boat today - the facial expressions say it all… We kicked off the morning with a hike to see the tortoises! The hike was about a mile and a half in an area called Urbina bay. This area was underwater until 1954 when an earthquake caused a dramatic uplift and about a mile of new land popped out of the sea within sec/min.

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - crossing the equater and galapagos moments

Galapagos - crossing the equater and galapagos moments

Day three in the Galapagos saw more snorkeling, an excursion to see the marine iguanas, and a Zodiac trip along the cliffs in the rain(amung other things). It also saw my first “Galapagos Moment” which Angela/I have defined as moments where you see something truely amazing that feels unique to the Galapagos. Each day, we were provided with a sheet that showed the schedule for the day along with details about what we needed to bring. As I learned in the army, 90% of success is being in the right place at the right time with the right uniform. :)

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - Isle Seymour Norte & Isla Rabida

Galapagos - Isle Seymour Norte & Isla Rabida

This was our first full day on the boat. A couple of remarkable things about the Galapagos: 1. It’s hot. The heat dictated our schedule and we tended to have early morning excursions and late avernoon excursions to avoid the heat of the day. It also impacted the animals - each with their own different adaptation for how to keep cool - or keep their eggs cool in some cases. 2. The wildlife really doesn’t care that you are there. The Equadorian government has done an amazing job with the Galapagos - in dictating how people should interact with animals (6 foot rule for example) and in enforcing those rules with a naturalist required to accompany you any time you leave the beach/trailhead.

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - to the Boat!

Galapagos - to the Boat!

Our day started at the hotel ~6a with breakfast and packing. We were to meet up with Nat Geo for a bus ride to the airport, flight to Galapagos, bus ride to the docks, and Zodiac rides to our ship. This was my first real taste of the level of organization that this company has - it was truely impressive. The morning went off without a hitch and when we landed in Galapagos it was early afternoon. My first impression was how dry it really was - this place is truely a desert (complete with huge cactus) surrounded by water.

  • Tom Woodard
Galapagos - getting there and chocolate!

Galapagos - getting there and chocolate!

It’s been a while since my last post, but we haven’t been idle. Lost of skiing and boat work (in addition to real work) before our big trip to the Galapagos… Just scheduling the trip has been an adventure (credit to my mother), but 4 years later after countless reschedules, flight issues, and vaccine issues - we were on our way. Our trip began on Tuesday (4/4) with a 6a flight to Denver where we were to meet up with the grandparents for the continuation of the trip. We got to the airport extra early (which turned out to be unnecessary as the flight was delayed by over an hour), but we were all in good spirits - not realizing that the delay was an omen of things to come…

  • Tom Woodard