

Sara and I go on our first camping trip since returning from our boat trip to Alaska. We go on several hikes - one of them over 6 miles - and find a new way into the Olympic National Park. 10/13/2023 Sara has been very excited to go van camping again - we haven’t been in over a year with the prep for and then going on our boat trip. This weekend was our weekend - Sara was off on Friday so decided to leave on Friday morning and come back Saturday evening.

  • Tom Woodard
Palouse to Cascades Bike ride

Palouse to Cascades Bike ride

Every time we drive down I-90 going into eastern Washington we pass a large bridge with a big sign saying “Palouse to Cascade state park trail”. Ever since I first saw it, I’ve had my eye on the Palouse to Cascade state park trail as an amazing adventure to do some day. Bit of background - It’s a 289 mile trail (350-ish including detours) starting in Cedar Falls near North Bend and going all the way to Treskow on the border of Idaho.

  • Tom Woodard
Birch Bay

Birch Bay

Knowing we had several big trips coming up, we had been considering laying low for the next couple of weeks but a 3 day weekend combined with good weather was too hard to pass up. I made a last minute camping reservation at Birch bay state park which is just north of Bellingham right before you get to Blaine. We have been to a nearby state park (Larabee) several times so we knew the area, but this was a whole new place to explore.

  • Tom Woodard
Diablo Lake

Diablo Lake

Back at it after almost a month since our last trip - Sara’s ski lessons, Angela’s sisters trip, and overall sickness created a perfect storm and prevented the adventures for a bit. We went to the north cascades last weekend and spent some time exploring the area around Diablo lake/highway 20 before the closure. I really love this area, it’s relatively close to Seattle (2.5 hour drive) but it’s so remote, especially before the highway opens.

  • Tom Woodard
Baker Lake - with Snow

Baker Lake - with Snow

Welcome back! Baker lake, round two. I think our plans must have changed 3 times before this trip - from Mt St Helens, to Langley, and finally to Baker Lake. The weather called for rain/snow all weekend, but we didn’t let that deter us! Sara made the final decision, she wanted to see snow. Baker lake had some obvious advantages - clear roads (to support the Dam there), I knew the landscape, and the hike I was planning (Baker Lake trail) was in the trees so, theoretically anyway, it shouldn’t be as windy/stormy - as it likely would have on St Helens.

  • Tom Woodard


First trip since Lasik - We had plans to go to Mt St Helens to do some hiking and see the caves/observatory, but I realized at the last minute that Sara needed to get her passport (an appointment I made 3 months ago and forgot about) and I had to take her out to Port Townsend to get it - which is basically the opposite direction. So we packed up early on Friday and headed out to Port Townsend for passport paperwork… After the appt, we headed up to an area called Quilcene - a town of ~500 people that borders against the national forest and national park.

  • Tom Woodard
Leavenworth & Conconully

Leavenworth & Conconully

We went on a 3 day camping trip this weekend - joined by my parents and Sara’s grandparents. We didn’t have any particular goals for the trip - but managed a good mix of hiking & the outdoors with some window shopping and hanging out in some placed we haven’t been in a while. We took off on the trip Saturday mid-morning - after picking up Sara & my parents from a fun night of swimming and sleeping over at the hotel.

  • Tom Woodard
Ira Springs to Mason Lake - Tinkham Campground

Ira Springs to Mason Lake - Tinkham Campground

We decided to do a last minute trip this weekend - even though it broke the every other weekend pattern and we went two weekends in a row… It was Labor Day so we had to take advantage of the opportunity! There were only a handful of campsites left in the state, but we got one down near Snoqualmie called Tinkham campground. It was a nice campground - other than how close it was to I-90 which made it fairly noisy while we were out and about (it was quite inside the van).

  • Tom Woodard


We had grand plans this weekend of heading to San Juan island to take the Jolly Trolley tour and do some hiking, but after a 3am wake-up to catch an early ferry, I checked my email to find that they had cancelled all but two of the ferry sailings that day. For a minute, we though about just leaving and seeing if we could get standby for one of them - but decided that would be a miserable day (up at 3am to catch the 2pm ferry…).

  • Tom Woodard
Kitsap Forest Theatre

Kitsap Forest Theatre

I decided to do something a little bit different for our trip this time - we went to an outdoor theatre “built” in a forest. I say built because apparently they built the theatre with the idea that they would not cut down any trees or change the landscape any more than necessary. I found the concept facinating, so I decided it would make for a good van trip. Relatively tame considering our trips of late, but the curveball this time was a heatwave coming through western Washington this weekend - so crusible by fire on the new van optimizations for hot weather camping (more on that below).

  • Tom Woodard
Backpacking with a 4 year old!!! - Bogacheil Rainforest

Backpacking with a 4 year old!!! - Bogacheil Rainforest

Sara’s first backpacking trip! It was amazing for everyone - Sara had a great time and it was an overall positive experience. Even more impressive, our little 4 year old hiked 12.5 miles over 2 days!!! I will admit that I didn’t plan it that way - we had to hike a bit longer to find a campsite than we had origionally planned, but mostly Sara wanted to go find blackberries and hiked over 3 miles to find them… Anyway, here’s the story.

  • Tom Woodard
Yellowstone - Just Touring Around

Yellowstone - Just Touring Around

Welcome to the second post in our yellowstone travels. This post covers all of the touring around we did during the trip - lots of wildlife, thermal features, and exploring. There were a couple of day hikes, but mostly we were just driving around… Our first stop was Mammoth Hot Springs - where we hiked around on the Travertine terrace and Sara got her first introduction to thermal features. I think it took a couple of days to sink in, so her reaction was a bit mutted.

  • Tom Woodard
Yellowstone Road Trip

Yellowstone Road Trip

And we are off! This was our first big van trip - and part of a bigger vacation. In all, we travelled 1400 miles over 5 days and saw some really interesting sights - and learned some new tricks for longer van trips & van trips in hot weather. I’m going to write this trip up in 3 blog posts - this one covers the road trip there and the other two will cover the backpacking trip we went on and touring around Yellowstone national park.

  • Tom Woodard
Kayaking at Larabee state park

Kayaking at Larabee state park

Larabee state park round two in the last couple of months - this time with a kayak. Derek came along as well - which was super fun for a change. In total, almost 7 miles of kayaking, playing on the beach, camping, movie watching, campfires, and games galore. Here we are all ready to go: And then the morning paddle - about 3 miles, but very choppy/rough seas. Made paddling any distance really hard… I didn’t get a picture, but we saw some seals from up close - which was super fun - but Sara didn’t seem super impressed.

  • Tom Woodard
Larabee State Park

Larabee State Park

Our first trip to Larabee state park - which is right on Chuckanut bay near Bellingham. Beautiful location and lots of fun stuff to do. There are railroad tracks that run right through the park, which might be n issue for some people, but Sara and I did great (didn’t wake up at all) and it was fun to watch the trains go back while we were playing around. We went on a fun hike and Sara hiked the most I have ever seen her do - almost 2.

  • Tom Woodard
Lake Cushman

Lake Cushman

So I decided to try to find something on the Olympic peninsula for this trip. I found an interesting camp near lake Cushman with some trails nearby that looked like fun. Lake Cushman is a beautiful area with some amazing day sites right along the beach. Here are some pictures of the lake ‹ › You can see it in some of the photos below, but the water level was super low - which I suspect had to do with the snow we got and the melt overwhelming the dam (Lake Cushman is man made).

  • Tom Woodard
First trip to the North Cascades - snowy adventure!

First trip to the North Cascades - snowy adventure!

Our latest trip was up to the North Cascades National Park - which was an amazing place, far more than I expected this time of year. It’s a national park, but they allow dogs to hike on trails and they don’t really have an entrance/exit. The place we went hiking was about 3 miles from the end of the road (where the close the north cascades highway for the winter) and right after the big dam/lakes in that area.

  • Tom Woodard
Leadbetter State Park, then Cape Dissapointment, then Millersvania state park.... whew!

Leadbetter State Park, then Cape Dissapointment, then Millersvania state park.... whew!

We just completed our first 3 day van trip - which was an all around success. We went to three different state parks and saw some very different terrain in each - super fun trip. Also figured out quite a few van optimizations, including how to watch movies and the best way to store clothes. Leadbetter Bay Loop So our first park was Leadbetter state park which is on the very end of cape disappointment.

  • Tom Woodard
Wenachee State Park

Wenachee State Park

We did it! First overnight van trip was completed on Dec 22-23. We (Sara and I) went to Wenachee state park and camped in the campground there. It got cold… Down to single digits and I didn’t quite have the camping system optimized for that weather yet so it was a cold night for me! (Sara did fine, she just burrowed down in the middle of my sleeping bag). We brought an air mattress since my foam mattress had not yet arrived so upgrading that will be immediately benificial.

  • Tom Woodard
Van Research

Van Research

Spoiler Alert! I picked the Chrysler Pasifica. Why you might ask? Great question. That’s what this blog post seeks to answer. Two primary reasons and a handful of secondary (nice to have) reasons. I’ll start with the standard pro/con analysis. Let me start off with my requirements The first question I had to answer was whether I wanted a compact/minivan vs a full sized sprinter van. For me, I decided to optimize for a perfect 3-4 day expedition vs a full time live onboard.

  • Tom Woodard