Our latest trip was up to the North Cascades National Park - which was an amazing place, far more than I expected this time of year. It’s a national park, but they allow dogs to hike on trails and they don’t really have an entrance/exit. The place we went hiking was about 3 miles from the end of the road (where the close the north cascades highway for the winter) and right after the big dam/lakes in that area.

We left on Friday night (so I could go to a license appointment in Bellingham on the way) so we did both of our hikes on Saturday. The first was called the Trail of the Cedars:


This ended up being a bit more of a nature walk than it was a hike, but it was fun for both of us. The trail was a bit over a mile and it had a bunch of interesting things to see. I did not know, for example, that the heartwood is not alive on trees and some trees (like the PNW red cedar trees) a fungus can decay the inside of the trunk of a tree but leave the tree alive - with the inside of it being hollow!

Trail of Cedars

Here’s some pictures/videos from the trail of the cedars:

River View

The next hike we did was to Pyramid lake. This one was really cool - given the time of year and the inclement weather - there was nobody on the trail and it felt really remote. There was also no service and I didn’t download the map ahead of time, so I didn’t know exactly how far it was to the lake. Turns out, we turned around just a couple of min too early… :)

Pyramid Lake Almost

Here are some pictures from the trip:

Sara Hiking

Sara Backpack

Pretty cook picture of our van from above… :)

Van from above

Finally, we did some camping. We have a pretty good system going, but this was the last trip without the house battery - so we have some serious comfort coming in our future. This trip involved a lot of very beautiful driving and the camping was amazing - especially the first night at the national forest camp (nobody there because they close down the ammenities for the winter (no water, bathrooms, etc).

Movie Time

Some views from the road:
