Another great camping trip - and this time we had some first time campers as guests! We went up to Baker Lake on Friday afternoon and stayed for two nights - with Barun and Roshni joining us just before noon on the second day. But first, let’s check out our beautiful campsite!

Wanted to get Sara in a couple of those pictures - but she was not having it!

No Pictures

Dinner time! PF chang’s frozen skillet meals are a favorite for a quick meal. They are easy to make, taste good, and have relatively more veges and meat than others…

Dinner Time

Beautiful sunset from our campsite right on the lake… I love mountain lakes.

Sunset on Day 1

Day 2 arrived and we made Cinnamon Rolls. Sara was very patient while they cooked and ended up eating almost 3 of them… Cinnamon Rolls are definitely a repeat - The whole experience was a blast, the expectation, seeing them rise while cooking, but mostly just fun to try something new!

Morning Cinnamon roll

Roshni & Barun arrived around 11 am and Sara couldn’t have been more thrilled!

Any time is dress-up time…

Happy with the Tutus

After the reunion celebrations, we decided to go for a hike. After a big of a false start - ended up at an ATV-trail trailhead - we found a fun hike that started off with some pretty involved fallen log obstacles. A couple of the logs looked like fallen trees from a fire in the past and were covered in ash/coal and we got covered - especially Sara!

Log Hike

Look at all that ash…

Sara found some white flowers and wanted me to take some pictures to share with Momma!

Running from the Mosquitoes, the best game of the hike. Sara and Roshni ran almost 3/4 of a mile all the way back to the car after the hike. Oh ya, there weren’t really any mosquitoes…

Everyone was a bit tired after we came back - including Oakley!

Tired Oakley out!

The next morning we decided to go for a quick paddleboard before heading out. The water was so calm in the morning - it made for a very relaxing paddle.

And stopping for breakfast on the way home - The two little troopers had such a good time!