Bit a a different trip this weekend, Sara has ski lessons on Saturday morning and I got a half day ticket to ski with her in the afternoon. The plan was to head to a Washington ghost town after that, but more on that later.

Sara’s first magic carpet ride with her group lesson - they need to be able to slow down and turn before they go on the carpet.

Lessons Magic Carpet

After lessons we got mac & cheese and fries - tasty and high energy for the afternoon skiing we had planned.

We did a couple of rides up the magic carpet ride and Sara wanted to ride by herself and wanted to watch me ride up the carpet.

After we did the carpet a couple of times, we headed up the big lift and did some real skiing! Sara was a champ, we did probably 10 runs and by the end she was turning on her own, moving back and forth between wedge and parallel over and over, and informed me that “Pizza Pie” and “French Fries” was inefficient and it was actually “Pizza” and “Fries”.

The Pizza/Fries girl in action…

And no skiing adventure would be complete without the afternoon hot chocolate break!

We did a couple of runs after the hot chocolate break and finished up skiing aroudn 4p. Sara was quite the skier by the end of the day - skiiing completely on her own and doing the entire run! We headed to a pub for a drink and some food after dinner.

Camping was sub-par on this trip - the campsite I found was fully occupied with snowmobilers and had like 4-5 feet of snow (so you needed a 4 wheeler to get in). The ghost town I wanted us to visit was inaccessable due to the snow, so we will have to keep that one until next time. We ended up staying at a rest stop - which wasn’t quite as fun as a campsite with a fire, but we still got to watch a movie and read some stories before we headed to bed.

Bear pancakes the next morning!