Back to back trips! After heading to Utah with the family back in April, Angela has been hankering to get a dutch oven. After some research, she finally found one, ordered it, waited two weeks, and it arrived! We just went camping the weekend before, but you should never let the sun set on a new piece of gear - so off we went. We decided to head back to Whidbey given the fun weekend we had last time. Our trip out was pretty uneventful, picked up some groceries for Angela’s enchiladas dutch oven meal and found our campsite without any trouble.

Once we got to camp, it was all hands on deck to create our lovely dutch oven dinner. Angela got to work chopping while Sara and I made the fire and got the coals ready. Whenever I do Dutch oven cooking, I end up overestimating how many coals I need and overcook it/burn it. We had a cheat sheet this time and I erred on the side of using way too few coals - and it ended up being exactly right… :)

While the dutch oven meal was cooking, we went on a quick hike around to see the sunset and checkout some flowers. Our camp was about 50 feet from the drop-off to the water so we had some wonderful views in the evening.

Sara even took some pictures on her camera - offering her record of the first dutch oven cooking experience.

And the final unveiling:

The next day, we opted for a meandering trip back to civilization and found a very cool park called the Price Sculpture Forest. The park had a couple of loops totaling maybe a mile and every 50 feet or so they had a sculpture of some kind - ranging from elaborate wire figures to carved stumps.

We never knew this existed, but we had a great time hiking around (even after it started raining). We stopped off to grab some ice cream near Langley and called it a wrap on our first dutch oven camping weekend!